110. Es Jesucristo la vida

Es Jesucristo la vida, la luz,
Él nos anuncia eterna verdad;
El Redentor quien ha muerto en la cruz
Por darnos libertad.
Él es Pastor enviado y divino Emmanuel.
Él nos conduce por sendas de paz,
Como a su amada grey.
Quita del alma la incredulidad,
Limpia benigno el infiel corazón;
Es su carácter la suma bondad,
La misma compasión.
Él es Pastor enviado y divino Emmanuel, etc.
Fuente preciosa de gracia y salud,
Bien que trae toda felicidad;
Quiere llenarnos de su plenitud
Y de su santidad.
Él es Pastor enviado y divino Emmanuel, etc.
Jesus Christ is the life, the light,
He announces eternal truth to us;
The Redeemer who died at the cross
To give us liberty.
He is the sent Pastor and divine Emanuel.
He guides us on paths of peace,
As His beloved flock.
He removes the soul’s unbelief,
He kindly cleans the unfaithful heart;
It is His character, total goodness,
And compassion.
He is the sent Pastor, etc.
Precious fountain of grace and health,
Goodness that brings total happiness;
He wants to fill us of His fullness
And of His holiness.
He is the sent Pastor, etc.

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