137. Al Señor Jesús loemos

Al Señor Jesús loemos,
Lo que somos le debemos,
Cuanto por gracia tenemos,
Solo es nuestro en Él.
Es Jesús su nombre amado,
A su pueblo Él ha salvado,
Está el triunfo asegurado
Por su gran poder.
¡Oh confiad en este Amigo!
Nos liberta del peligro,
Hoy nos es fuerte y abrigo
Y hasta el fin será.
Cumplirá-se nuestro anhelo
En el día en que sin velo
Le veremos en el cielo
Al Señor Jesús.
Praise be to the Lord Jesus, what we are we owe to Him,
Whatever we have by grace is only ours in Him.
It is Jesus, His name well-beloved, He has saved his people,
The victory is assured by Him, by His mighty power.
Oh, trust in this Friend! He frees us from danger.
Today He is strong for us and is our refuge. And until the end will He be.
Our yearnings will be answered, in that day when without a veil
We shall see Him in heaven, the Lord Jesus.

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