178. Ved que acercándose el día

Ved que acercándose el día va
En que el Señor en su gloria vendrá,
A recoger en su alfolí,
Lo que sembramos en tanto aquí:
Él su fruto recogerá,
Sí, su fruto recogerá.
Vamos sembrando con vivo amor
Dulces palabras de nuestro Señor;
Siempre obrando con celo y con fe
Para que rica cosecha nos dé.
Entre zarzales podrá caer
Cierta semilla y no florecer,
Mas el Señor a segar vendrá,
Y su buen fruto recogerá:
Él su fruto recogerá,
Sí, su fruto recogerá.
Vamos sembrando con vivo amor, etc.
Muy largo tiempo podrá pasar
Antes de ver su semilla brotar,
Mas ciertamente el Señor vendrá,
Y su buen fruto recogerá:
Él su fruto recogerá,
Sí, su fruto recogerá.
Vamos sembrando con vivo amor, etc.
En todo tiempo, sin desmayar
Vamos sembrando y orando a la par,
Pues prestamente el Señor vendrá,
Y su buen fruto recogerá:
Él su fruto recogerá,
Sí, su fruto recogerá.
Vamos sembrando con vivo amor, etc.
See that the day is approaching,
In which the Lord will come in His glory,
To gather in His storehouse
However much we have sown here.
He will gather His fruit, yes His fruit He will gather.
Let us sow with living love the sweet words of our Lord,
Always laboring with zeal and with faith.
So that it will give us a rich harvest.
Some of the seed may fall
Among bushes and won’t flourish.
But the Lord will come to reap,
And will gather His good fruit.
He will gather His fruit, etc.
A very long time may pass
Before you see the seed sprouting.
But surely the Lord will come
And will gather His good fruit.
He will gather His fruit, etc.
At all times, without fainting,
Let us be sowing and praying at the same time.
Because presently the Lord will come
And will gather his good fruit.
He will gather His fruit, etc.

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