204. Guarda, ¿qué noticia das?

Guarda, ¿qué noticia das?
¿Qué promesa hay del Señor?
¡Oh! viajero, nuevas doy:
Sale el astro de fulgor.
Guarda, ¿trae su grata luz
Paz y gozo? Di-nos fiel:
Sí, viajero, llega al fin
El gran día de Israel.
Guarda, ¿qué noticia das?
¿Ascendiendo el astro está?
Sí, viajero, su gran luz
Paz al mundo traerá.
Mas del juicio el clarín
Ya resuena, oh pecador;
De la gracia día es hoy,
Aún os llama el Salvador.
Watchman, which news do you give?
Which promise do we have from the Lord?
Oh, traveler, I give you news:
The brilliant star is appearing.
Watchman, does His pleasant light
Bring peace and joy? Tell us believer:
Yes, traveler, finally,
The great day of Israel will come.
Watchman, which news do you give?
Is the star rising?
Yes, traveler, its great light
Will bring along peace to the world.
Yet the trumpet of justice
Already resounds, oh sinner;
Today is the day of salvation,
The Savior is still calling you.

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