221. La mirada de fe

La mirada de fe al que ha muerto en la cruz,
Infalible la vida te da;
Mira pues, pecador, mira pronto a Jesús,
Y tu alma la vida hallará.
Ve, ve, ve, a Jesús;
Que si miras con fe al que ha muerto en la cruz,
Al momento la vida tendrás.
Su penoso sufrir en la cruz, ¿qué valió
Si tus culpas no estaban allí?
¿Qué valió su morir, si tu deuda no fue
Con su sangre pagada por ti?
Ve, ve, ve, a Jesús, etc.
Oye, pues, con placer el decreto de Dios
Que por gracia la vida te da;
¡Oh! recibe con fe el mensaje de amor
Que te anuncia el perdón y la paz.
Ve, ve, ve, a Jesús, etc.
The look of faith to Him who died on the cross,
Gives infallible life to you;
Thus, look, sinner, look to Jesus soon,
And your soul will find life.
Go, go, go to Jesus,
If you look in faith to Him who died on the cross,
You will have life immediately.
His painful suffering on the cross,
What was it worth if your guilt was not there.
What was His dying worth
If your debt was not paid for you with His blood?
Go, go, go to Jesus, etc.
Listen, thus, with pleasure, the decree of God,
Who, gives life to you through grace;
Oh, receive with faith the message of love,
Which announces forgiveness and peace to you.
Go, go, go to Jesus, etc.

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