229. De Dios la justicia inmutable

De Dios la justicia inmutable,
Atestigua en su sangre Jesús;
Mas la gracia con ella se encuentra,
Ambas juntas se ven en la cruz.
Cristo amante por tu sangre
Redimiste al pecador;
De justicia, por tu gracia
Lo reviste ante Dios.
El Dios santo condenó tu vida,
Oh culpable tu suerte es morir;
Mas la cruz a la vez te demuestra,
Cómo puede en su amor redimir.
Cristo amante por tu sangre, etc.
Jesús de tu maldición cargado,
Muerte cruel por ti en cruz padeció;
A Dios el precio de tu alma ha dado,
Y la gracia sus brazos te abrió.
Cristo amante por tu sangre, etc.
Jesus testifies God’s unchanging justice
In His blood;
But with it, there is found grace,
You see both together in the cross.
Loving Christ, you redeemed
The sinner by your blood;
You covered him with justice
Before God, by your grace.
The holy God condemned your life,
Oh, guilty one, your fate is to die;
But, at the same time, the cross demonstrates to you,
How He –in His love– is able to redeem.
Loving Christ, you redeemed, etc.
Jesus, loaded with your curse,
Endured a cruel death for you on the cross;
He gave to God the price for your soul,
And grace opened His arms to you.
Loving Christ, you redeemed, etc.

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