248. ¡Alabado el gran manantial!

¡Alabado el gran manantial
Que de sangre Dios me mostró!
¡Alabado el Rey que murió,
Su pasión me libra del mal!
Lejos del redil de mi Dueño
Vi-me pecador perdido y vil,
El Cordero sangre vertió,
Me limpia solo este raudal.
Sé que solo así me emblanqueceré;
Lávame en tu sangre, Jesús,
Y nívea blancura tendré.
La punzante insignia llevó,
Quiso en cruz mi alma redimir;
Grandes males quiso sufrir,
Pues mis culpas allí cargó;
Al gran manantial conducido,
Que de mi maldad ha sido el fin,
«Lávame» le pude decir,
Y nívea blancura tendré.
Sé que solo así me emblanqueceré, etc.
Padre, de Ti lejos vagué,
Extravió-se mi corazón;
Como grana mis culpas son,
¡Contra Ti solo yo pequé!
Acudo a la fuente de vida,
Tu promesa creo ¡oh Jesús!
La eficaz virtud de tu don
La nívea blancura me dio.
Sé que solo así me emblanqueceré, etc.
Praised be the great spring
Which God showed us in the blood!
Praised be the King who died,
His passion frees me from evil!
Far from the fold of my owner,
I saw myself, a lost and vile sinner.
I know that this is the only way for me (that this is the only way)
To become white (to become white)
Wash me in your blood, Jesus, wash me,
And immaculate whiteness I will have (I will have).
He wore the stabbing badge,
Wanted to redeem my soul on the cross;
He wanted to suffer great evil,
As He bore there my guilt;
Lead to the great spring,
So that there was an end with my evil.
I know that this is the only way for me, etc.
Father, I wandered far from you,
My heart went astray (got lost);
My sins are as scarlet,
I sinned only against you!
I go to the fountain of life,
I believe in your promise, oh Jesus!
I know that this is the only way for me, etc.

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