25. Nuestro Dios, con gozo santo

Nuestro Dios, con gozo santo
Entonamos tu loor;
Y de tu gracia el triunfo
Celebramos con fervor;
Nos llevaste sobre alas,
Fuertes de águilas a Ti,
En la luz de tus alturas,
Libres, felices al fin.
Por nos te mostraste fuerte,
De Satán el vencedor;
Nos libraste de la muerte,
Nos tomaste en tu favor;
Cual tesoro muy preciado,
Tu familia en pura luz,
Pueblo santo, rescatado
Por la sangre de Jesús.
Este pueblo fue adquirido
Siendo Cristo el Mediador,
Ha vencido al Enemigo
El glorioso Redentor;
El «maná» del cielo abunda
Da la Roca agua y frescor;
Dios su brazo nos circunda
Y su pueblo es vencedor.
El Espíritu nos lleva,
De Ti solo es el poder;
Lo de Cristo nos enseña,
Su Persona haciendo ver;
Las bellezas de esa vida
A Ti agradan, nuestro Dios,
Y es por ellas que atraída
La Iglesia te sigue en pos.
O our God, with joy so holy
Now we sing Your wondrous praise;
And we celebrate the triumph
Of Your eternal, boundless grace.
To Yourself Your love has brought us,
Borne upon strong eagle’s wings;
Free at last, in highest glory,
We with joy Your praises sing.
For our sakes, by mighty power,
You the devil did defeat;
From the power of death did free us,
And with favor us did greet.
What a very precious treasure,
In pure light Your family made,
As Your holy people rescued,
By the blood of Jesus saved.
We Your people have been purchased
By the Christ, the Mediator,
And the enemy’s defeated
By the Christ, our Redeemer.
Heavenly Manna is abounding,
From the Rock the water comes;
And God’s arms are us surrounding,
Helping us to overcome.
‘Tis the Spirit that does lead us,
And of You is all the might;
All the things of Christ He shows us,
His blest Person brings to light.
Of eternal life the beauties,
How they please You, O our God!
And the church, drawn by His glories,
Does run after Christ the Lord.

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