250. El buen Pastor al verme

El buen Pastor al verme
Perdido e infeliz,
Llegando adonde estaba
Me trajo a su redil;
Y al ver que Cristo me salvó,
El cielo entero se alegró.
Soy salvo por su gracia,
Su tierno amor me sacia;
Su preciosa sangre me lavó
Y hasta hoy su brazo me guardó.
Me señaló sus llagas,
Su sangre me mostró;
Me dijo: «Por salvarte
La vida puse yo»;
Jamás oí tan dulce voz,
Llenó-me de la paz de Dios.
Soy salvo por su gracia, etc.
Al recordar mi vida
De olvido de Jesús,
No sé por qué quisiera
Morir por mí en la cruz;
Mas creo su Palabra fiel,
Y vida eterna tengo en Él.
Soy salvo por su gracia, etc.
The Good Shepherd, looking at me,
Lost and unhappy,
Came to where I was
And brought me to His fold;
And when seeing that Christ saved me,
All heaven rejoiced.
I am saved by His grace,
His tender love satisfies me;
His precious blood washed me
And His arm has kept me unto this day.
He showed me His wounds,
He showed me His blood;
He told me: “I shed my blood
To save your life”;
I never heard such a tender voice,
It filled me with the peace of God.
I am saved by His grace, etc.
When I remember my life
Of forgetfulness of Jesus,
I do not know why He wanted
To die for me on the cross;
But I believe in His faithful word,
And have eternal life in Him.
I am saved by His grace, etc.

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