27. Padre de amor

Padre de amor, gran Dios, alzamos
A Ti nuestras manos y el corazón;
Férvido loor tus hijos damos,
Y por Jesús el Nombre que amamos,
Sube fragante nuestra oración.
En tu regazo nos sentimos
Por Ti dados ya a tu amado Jesús;
Junto con Él, cual sus amigos,
Tu corazón a todos tus hijos
Brinda lugar, dulce paz y luz.
De Ti al gozar, nuestra flaqueza,
Que siempre hace nuestra alma suspirar,
Viene a llamar a tu terneza,
Y del Espíritu la riqueza
En tu Palabra hemos de probar.
Tú eres el blanco en la carrera,
Jesús, y hacia Ti y va el corazón;
Célica fuente, fiel dadera
De vida, y pan que de Él viviera
Tu grey, que a Dios da su adoración.
Father of love, great God, we lift up
To You our hands and our hearts;
Fervent praise we Your sons give,
And by Jesus the name that we love,
Rises fragrantly our prayer.
Within Your arms we feel ourselves,
By You given to Your beloved Jesus;
Together with Him, as His very friends,
Your heart to all of Your sons
Offers Your presence, sweet peace and light.
From You, as we rejoice, our weakness,
Which always causes our soul to sigh,
Comes to call upon Your tenderness,
And by Your Spirit the riches
Of Your Word we can prove.
You art the goal of our race
And after You, Jesus, our heart already runs.
Heavenly fountain, faithful Giver of life
And of bread that from Him revives Your flock,
Which offers its worship to God.

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