29. Al Padre omnipotente
Al Padre omnipotente, a Cristo el Salvador,
Por el Santo Espíritu rendid gloria y honor.
Y de su amor la inmensidad, humildes ensalzad.
Por siglos de siglos con himnos de triunfo su gloria publicad;
Con cánticos de triunfo su gloria publicad;
Su excelsa majestad y su eterna bondad,
Su gloria, ¡su gloria publicad!
To the almighty Father, to Christ the Savior,
By the Holy Spirit, bring glory and honor;
And the great vastness of His love, let us humbly exalt.
Forever and ever, with hymns of triumph, publish His glory.
With songs of triumph, publish His glory;
His excellent majesty and His eternal kindness,
His glory, publish His glory!
- Palabras
- N. H. E.
- Música
- Wolfgang-Amadeus Mozart
- Nota inicial
- fa
- Traducción
To the almighty Father