62. En la cruz mirad clavado

En la cruz mirad clavado
A Jesús el Salvador;
Ved qué prueba nos ha dado
De su celestial amor.
Por cumplir el gran rescate,
Él su sangre derramó;
Y venciendo en el combate
A la muerte destruyó.
En sus cárceles la muerte
No le pudo retener,
Pues Jesús con mano fuerte
Acabó con su poder.
Alabemos al Cordero
Que nos ama y nos amó,
Y muriendo en un madero
Nuestras almas rescató.
Nailed to the cross contemplate Jesus the Savior;
See what proof He has given us of His celestial love.
To carry out the great rescue, He shed His blood;
And being victorious, He destroyed death.
Being in its prisons, death could not retain Him,
Because, with a strong hand, Jesus finished with his power.
Let us praise the Lamb that loves and loved us,
And rescued our souls dying on the tree.

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