65. Resplandor del Dios de gloria

Resplandor del Dios de gloria,
Elevamos la canción,
A Jesús por su victoria
Que nos trajo salvación;
Del celeste trono vino,
Al Calvario se bajó;
Puro don de amor divino
Y al morir en cruz triunfó.
Celebramos su descenso
A la muerte, que nos dio
Don de vida tan inmenso
Y a su Padre nos llevó;
Celebramos su subida
A los cielos con poder,
Y el vigor de esa vida
Nos logra aquí sostener.
Por la fe le conocemos,
De señores el Señor;
De los reyes, Rey le vemos
Y glorioso Vencedor.
Ensalzado le miramos;
Más que sol brilla su faz;
De luz son sus vestiduras,
Es Pontífice veraz.
De justicia el Soberano,
Rey de paz y su Hacedor,
Por un mundo vil negado,
Siendo el Hijo, el Salvador;
Alabad, santos, al Padre,
Gloria al Hijo tributad
Por su gracia revelada
Y divina caridad.
Brightness of the glorious God, let us raise the song,
To Jesus for his victory that brought us salvation;
He came from the heavenly throne and went down to Calvary;
Pure gift of love divine, and dying He triumphed on the cross.
Let us celebrate his descent to death that gave us
This great gift of life and brought us to his Father;
Let us celebrate his mighty ascent to the heavens,
And the power of that life is able to sustains us here.
By faith we know the Lord of Lords;
We see the king of kings and glorious victor;
We see Him glorified; His face shining brighter than the sun;
His garments are made of light, he is the true High priest.
He is the ruler of justice, Creator and King of peace;
He is the Son, the Savior of a despicable world;
Saints, glorify the Father; bring glory to the Son;
For His revealed grace and divine mercy.

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