71. Señor te adoramos

Señor te adoramos ¡oh Tú que moriste!
Mas vivo el imperio de Dios recibiste;
Por fe te miramos en gloria sentado,
El cetro teniendo de eterno reinado,
Tú, Rey de justicia, de paz el Autor.
A Dios ofreciste la obra aceptable,
Tu cuerpo fue ofrenda de olor agradable;
Del mundo Tú fuiste el Salvador santo,
Tu vida nos diste; sembraste con llanto,
Mas vendrás con gozo tu mies a llevar.
A Ti sean gloria, honor y riqueza,
La ciencia eterna y la fortaleza
¡Oh Rey de los siglos! Señor, Dios y Hombre;
La Iglesia te adora, ensalza tu Nombre,
Cordero inmolado, por siempre, ¡Amén!
Lord, we adore You, oh You the one who died!
But living again, You have received the kingdom of God.
Through faith, we see you seated in glory,
Having the scepter of eternal kingdom
You, king of justice and author of peace.
You offered to God the acceptable work,
Your body was an offering of pleasing fragrance;
You were the holy Savior of the world,
You gave us Your life, sowing with tears
But You will come again, bringing Your sheaves with You, rejoicing.
To You be glory, honor and riches.
The eternal wisdom and strength.
Oh king of all ages! Lord, God and Man;
The church adores You, praises Your Name,
Slain lamb, forever; Amen!

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