75. Señor en este mundo

Señor en este mundo, Tú fuiste despreciado,
Ninguna hermosura supieron en Ti ver;
Mas siempre Tú has sido el Hijo muy amado,
Delicias de tu Padre y su cabal placer.
Varón Tú, de dolores fuiste y manso Cordero,
Sufriendo de los hombres muerte y cruel vejación;
De Dios desamparado te viste en el madero,
Mas de nuestros pecados hiciste la expiación.
Saliste de la tumba ¡oh Cristo victorioso!
Y el trono de la gloria sucedió a la cruz;
De Dios has recibido el nombre más glorioso
Y a su pueblo te ha dado cual Salvador, Jesús.
Serás, sí, del trabajo de tu alma saciado,
Al ver a tus amados en tu propio esplendor;
Cuando a la Esposa amada te hayas presentado,
A tu semblanza hechos para ensalzar tu amor.
Lord, in this world, You were despised,
They would not see any beauty in You;
But You have always been the beloved Son,
Your Father joy and his full pleasure.
You man of sorrows, were the meek lamb,
Enduring death and cruel violence from man;
In the cross, you were forsaken by God,
But You became the propitiation for our sins.
You rose from the grave; oh victorious Jesus!
And the glorious throne followed the cross;
You received the most glorious name from God
And He has given You - Jesus, great savior - to His people.
You shall see the labor of Your soul and be satisfied;
Seeing Your beloved ones, in Your own splendor;
When You will have presented Your beloved bride to Yourself;
Made in your image, glorifying Your love.

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