91. Esperando aquí

Esperando aquí gozosos
De Dios la plena redención,
Con acordes armoniosos
Entonemos dulce canción.
Quien por su muerte ha vencido,
Fiel, sus promesas cumplirá;
Tú ¡oh Jesús!, de Dios ungido,
Con tu Iglesia pronto reinarás.
¡Oh Jesús!, amado Esposo,
De nuestra vida el manantial,
Tu presencia, luz y gozo
Nos dará con paz celestial,
A los santos en Ti dormidos
De sus tumbas los has de alzar,
Y con los vivos ya reunidos,
Al cielo Tú nos has de llevar.
Waiting here, joyfully,
For the full redemption of God,
With harmonious cords, we intone a sweet hymn.
The one who, by His death, conquered faithfully,
And will carry out His promises;
You, oh Jesus, the only begotten of God,
Soon You will reign with Your church.
Oh Jesus, beloved Bridegroom,
The fountain of our life,
You will give us Your presence, light and joy with celestial peace,
The saints, resting in You,
You will raise them from their graves,
And already united with the living ones
You will carry us to heaven.

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