115. Tuyo el amor

Tuyo el amor que nos ha congregado,
El que nos guía en el yermo aquí;
Pronto Jesús, ese amor consumado,
En gloria loor daremos a Ti.
Tu gracia fiel el camino ha tendido,
Gozo sin par siempre hallamos en Ti;
Y de tu bien tu pueblo enriquecido,
Ya la fragancia Tú sientes allí.
Mas en la grey tu belleza ya vieras,
¡Tiendas de amor y moradas de paz!
Pues ¡oh Señor!, nuestros frutos aumenta,
Y el reflejar cada uno tu faz.
Yours is the love that brought us together,
He who guides us in the wasteland here;
Soon Jesus, for that completed love,
In glory we will give praise to You.
Your faithful grace has served the path
For ever we will find unmatched joy in You;
And Your people enriched by Your goodness,
There,You already feel the fragrance.
But in Your flock, You already see Your beauty,
Tents of love and residences of peace!
Then oh Lord, increase our fruits,
And each one to reflect Your face.

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