187. Pronto Jesús de los cielos vendrá

Pronto Jesús de los cielos vendrá,
Dulce es pensarlo y gran gozo nos da;
Transformará-nos su rostro al ver,
Esta es la meta al fin del correr.
Nos cambiará, nos cambiará
Al ver de Él la gloriosa faz,
Nos cambiará, nos cambiará
Al ver de Él la faz.
Los separados unidos serán,
No más ausentes de Cristo estarán;
A los que duermen resucitará,
Y a su imagen Él los cambiará.
Nos cambiará, etc.
Obscuras nubes Él disipará,
Noche en día Él transformará,
Las tempestades Él ha de cambiar
En dulce calma, el llanto en cantar.
Nos cambiará, etc.
Él hará fuerte lo débil al fin,
Todo perfecto lo que ahora es ruin;
Y por tristeza su gozo dará,
Consigo en gloria a su Iglesia tendrá.
Nos cambiará, etc.
Jesus will come from heaven soon,
Thinking of this is so sweet and gives us great delight;
Seeing His face will transform us,
This is the goal at the end of the race.
Seeing His glorious face will change us, will change us
Seeing His face will change us, will change us.
Those who are separated will be united,
No more absent from Christ;
He will resurrect those who sleep,
And will transform them into His image.
Seeing His glorious face, etc.
He will remove dark clouds,
He will transform night into day,
He will change the storms into a sweet calm,
And weeping into songs.
Seeing His glorious face, etc.
At the end, he will make the weak strong,
And all which is ruin now, perfect;
And He will give joy instead of sorrows
And will have His church with Himself in glory.
Seeing His glorious face, etc.

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