226. La cruz sangrienta

La cruz sangrienta al contemplar
Do el Rey de gloria padeció,
Riquezas quiero despreciar
Y a la soberbia tengo horror.
Sus manos, su costado y pies
De sangre manaderos son;
Y las espinas de su sien,
Mi aleve culpa las clavó.
Cual vestidura regia allí
La sangre cubre al Salvador;
Y pues murió Jesús por mí,
Por Él al mundo muero yo.
¿Y qué podré yo darte a Ti
A cambio de tan grande don?
Es todo pobre, todo ruin,
Toma ¡oh Señor!, mi corazón.
When I survey the bloody cross,
Where the King of glory suffered,
I want to despise wealth,
And I have horror of pride.
His hands, His side and His feet
Are flowing with blood;
And the thorns on His temple,
Were nailed by my vicious guilt.
Like a royal clothing
The blood covers the Savior;
And thus, Jesus died for me,
I die to the world for Him.
And what will I be able to give you
In return for such a great gift?
Everything is poor, everything is ruin,
Take, oh Lord, my heart.

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