85. Junto al trono

Junto al trono del gran Dios ya exaltan
Las almas, esperando la gloria,
A Quien por ellas murió y le adoran,
Y en dulce paz gustan su victoria;
Mas desde aquí Jesús es objeto
Del puro loor que en su grey comienza
Y que su amor constante acrecienta:
¡Gloria al Cordero, gloria al Cordero!
Al Primogénito de los muertos,
El Príncipe y Autor de la vida,
Load, los suyos por Él libertos,
Su amada Iglesia en un cuerpo unida;
Santo, Él expió nuestro mal horrendo;
Justo, Él sufrió en dolor sumido;
Sordo quedó Dios a su quejido:
¡Gloria al Cordero, gloria al Cordero!
Pontífice, lleva la diadema,
Mas también es Salvador amado,
Que junto al Padre en luz suprema
Por nos ora cual fiel Abogado;
Ya de su amor puso-nos el sello
Del Santo Espíritu, vida y llama
Nos llena y por Él su Iglesia clama:
¡Gloria al Cordero, gloria al Cordero!
Near to the throne of the great God the souls already exalt,
Waiting for the glory of whom
They praise and adore, who died for them,
And in a sweet peace they enjoy His victory;
For from now on, Jesus is the object
Of pure praise, which begins in His flock
And constantly increases His love:
Glory to the Lamb, glory to the Lamb!
To the firstborn from the dead,
The Prince and Author of live
Praise, His owns freed by Him,
His beloved church united in one body,
Holy, He purged our terrifying evil;
Just, He suffered sunken in pain;
God remained deaf to His complaint:
Glory to the Lamb, Glory to the Lamb!
The pontiff, He wears the diadem.
Even more, He is also the beloved Savior,
Who, near the Father, in light supreme
Prays for us as faithful advocate;
By His love He already pressed the stamp
Of the Holy Spirit on us, He fills us
With life and flame, and to Him the church cries out:
Glory to the Lamb, glory to the Lamb!

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