15. Jesús murió

Jesús murió, su sangre abrió entrada
Dentro del velo, celestial lugar,
En donde el alma ya purificada,
Cerca de Ti, ¡oh Dios! puede adorar;
Por Cristo entrando, nada allí tememos,
Tu gloria no nos puede anonadar;
En luz estamos, plena paz tenemos,
La que en justicia Él nos pudo dar.
Contigo ahí, Señor, nos encontramos,
Tú nos presentas a tu Padre Dios,
En cuya gracia paternal estamos,
Gozosos de elevarle nuestra voz.
Por Ti, Jesús, el Hijo muy amado,
Tenemos vida, luz y comunión,
También llegamos como tus hermanos,
Con voz de canto y de adoración.
De corazón, ¡oh Dios! te agradecemos,
Que te dignaste al hombre aproximar
A tu regazo, pues que así quedamos
Como hijos muy amados en tu hogar;
Cual sacerdotes a Ti consagrados,
¡Oh Padre!, para dar adoración,
Y ofrenda espiritual de rescatados,
Rendimos-te suave a tu corazón.
Christ Jesus died, His shed blood opened the way
Within the veil, the Holy, heavenly Place,
Where purified, the soul rests in brightest day,
Near to You bowed, we worship You by grace.
Through Christ we enter, and we fear nothing there,
Your shining glory does not us dismay.
Within the light His eternal peace we share,
Which in righteousness He gives forever there.
In Your presence we joyously meet with You.
And You present us to Your Father, God,
In His Fatherly grace, in Christ Jesus we
Delight to lift up our praises abroad.
Jesus, by You, the Father’s Son Beloved,
We have life, fellowship and glorious light.
We come, Your brethren, to You, Lord exalted,
With voices singing, we worship You on high.
With joyful hearts, O God we bring thanksgiving
That You in love would bring man near to You,
Upon Your breast, that we might be abiding
Within Your house as sons beloved and true.
That we as priests, holy and consecrated
O blest Father, might worship You and raise
As the redeemed our spiritual offerings,
Giving to You blessing and sweetest praise.

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