205. El mundo perdido en pecado se vió

El mundo perdido en pecado se vio;
Jesús es la luz del mundo;
Mas en las tinieblas la Gloria brilló;
Jesús es la luz del mundo.
Ven a la luz, no quieras perder
Gozo perfecto al amanecer;
Yo ciego fui, mas ya puedo ver;
¡Jesús es la luz del mundo!
Cual nieblas deshace del sol el calor;
Jesús es la luz del mundo.
Así toda duda disipa su amor;
Jesús es la luz del mundo.
Ven a la luz, no quieras perder, etc.
¡Oh ciegos y presos del lóbrego error!,
Jesús es la luz del mundo;
Lavad vuestros ojos, venced el temor;
Jesús es la luz del mundo.
Ven a la luz, no quieras perder, etc.
The world was lost in its sin;
Jesus is the light of the world;
However, Glory shone into the darkness;
Jesus is the light of the world.
Come to the light, do not lose
Perfect delight at dawn;
I once was blind, but now I can see;
Jesus is the light of the world!
The warmth of the sun dissolves large clouds;
Jesus is the light of the world.
Thus, His love disperses all doubts;
Jesus is the love of the world.
Come to the light, etc.
Oh, blind people and prisoners by the gloomy error!
Jesus is the light of the world.
Wash your eyes, overcome your fear;
Jesus is the light of the world.
Come to the light, etc.

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