109. Las ovejas te loamos

Las ovejas te loamos,
Señor Jesús, buen Pastor;
Vida y paz en Ti gozamos,
Don de tu divino amor.
Como ovejas descarriadas,
Seguíamos el error,
Mas viniste y por salvarlas
En la cruz triunfó tu amor.
¡Oh qué marcas en tus manos!,
La espada hirió al Pastor;
Tu sangre corrió al darnos
Tu costado y tu amor.
De Jesús ya son las palmas,
Resucitó el gran Pastor;
Muestra a los suyos las armas
Y las marcas del amor.
Colman de bienes tus manos,
La senda abre tu favor;
Gustan aquí tus hermanos
Los cuidados del amor.
De tu gracia el ministerio,
Muestra del cielo el claror
Y de tu amor el misterio
Lo dirás allá, Señor.
The sheep praise you
Lord Jesus, good Shepherd;
In you we enjoy life and peace:
Gift of your divine love.
Like errant sheep
We were following error
But You came and by saving them
On the cross, Your love triumphed.
O what marks in Your hands
That the sword injured the Shepherd
Your blood flowed from Your side
To give us Your love.
Jesus has already triumphed
The great Shepherd is risen
To His own ones He showed
The marks of His love.
Your hands are full of goodness
Your favor opens the way
Here Your Brethren enjoy
The caring of Your love.
The ministry of Your grace
Shows the light of heaven
And of Your love the mystery
You will tell there, oh Lord.

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